Be Fit For Task

The 6-week Be Fit For Task Program will change your life!
I hear it every day.
You're overwhelmed because it just gets harder and harder. Getting old sucks.
The weight won't come off.
The doctor wants you on one more medication.
Being stuck, feeling like you're running in deep sand, sliding backwards with each step.
It doesn't have to be that way!
You can crack the code to being fit for task. Lose the weight you need to lose, get healthier and more fit, and feel years younger.
Get unstuck, and never be stuck again.
Change is within your reach.
Here is an email I received from a client.

I was at a venue for pictures. My daughter was getting married a few hours later. As you can imagine, I immediately opened and read it.
Trevor got my attention, and for all the right reasons.
If you'd like to learn how Trevor made this happen without restrictive dieting or killing himself in the gym, complete the form below. We will get on a 30-minute discovery call and I'll share how.
The Be Fit For Task Program is about lifestyle, balance, and achievement. Being fit for task means you are becoming the person you were always meant to be. It can seem daunting at first, but once you start putting the pieces in place, you'll see how naturally the New You (aka the real you) comes about.
During this six-week program, I will walk you step-by-step to a healthier, fitter you. With a 100% money-back guarantee, you will lose weight and get stronger as we start you down the path toward being fit for task. This is not a cookie cutter program and it's not a short-term project (don't let the six weeks fool you). It is a facilitated, individualized, problem-solving journey toward wellness.
But more than just weight loss, you'll learn what works for you to get healthier, more fit and feel great, guaranteed.
Since I'm a solo coach (I don't offload clients to other coaches, it's me and only me), I'll have a limited number of people I can bring on at a time. Let me know you're serious by completing the form below.
Complete the form below.
Be sure to check your email for a confirmation request sent from and click the link/button to confirm. You may also want to add me to your contacts so you don't miss my message to schedule the call.
When I say guaranteed, I mean it. I offer a 100% money back guarantee on every coaching program I do. If for any reason you're not getting the results you expected, I will give you your money back.
You owe it to yourself to get on a call and learn more. Do it now!

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