40+ Fitness

The 10000 Club

Making 2024 the year you change your life!

As I sat down to think about what I wanted to make happen in 2024, it occurred to me that I've been at this for 8 years and I've worked with a lot of people. Most of them came to me for weight loss. With my direct clients, I could tell you how much weight they lost. Then there were well over 100 emails from people in the Podcast, the many challenges I've run over the years, and 40+ Fitness Group who had lost quite a bit of weight.

I figure in the time I've been coaching, I've helped people lose 1000s of pounds.

That's when I got the idea for The 10000 Club. During 2024, I want to help people lose over 10,000 pounds.

Jim Rohn — 'You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.'

Why join?

Motivation doesn't just come to you. It isn't some magical force that decided when and where to be.

Motivation comes from doing. I developed the Motivation Map to show how this works, and while I don't have time to go through the whole thing now, I do want to spend a moment talking about the Extrinsic-Social quadrant. In this quadrant it is where we get accountability from groups and peers. These are best when it is fun and educational, which is what I plan to do.

40+ Fitness Motivation Map

How does this work?

  1. There is a free facebook group for us to meet. This community will be a place to interact with like-minded people on the same journey. I'll be posting regularly to provide guidance, support, and accountability you need to stay on course.
  2. You'll receive a weekly email from me. This email will be your weekly check-in with me. I'll also include some motivational quotes and notes. If you're struggling, this is a great time for us to work through it together.

This is not a coaching program. I developed this to help people who don't need a coach, but still want some support through a community that is focused on losing weight in a sane and sustainable way.

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